Questions / Answers

The Answers toAll Your Questions

Importance of Consistency

Please remember that consistency is key to your child’s progress. Regular attendance greatly benefits your child’s learning. If they learn something new today but miss the next class, in two weeks they may lose confidence in what they learned, and we might need to revisit previous steps. Consistent participation helps build their skills and confidence over time.


– Commitment to Weekly Classes: If you’re unable to commit to regular weekly classes, please consider allowing another family to take the spot. We can stay in touch weekly to arrange classes based on availability. 

– For families who can commit to weekly classes: We understand that sometimes cancellations are necessary. To help us manage our schedule and accommodate other families, please notify us as soon as you know you will not be able to attend your scheduled class.

– Notice Period: Please provide at least 24 hours’ notice.

– Late Cancellations: For cancellations made less than 24 hours before the class, a fee of 50% of the class price will be charged.

– No-Show Policy: If you do not show up for a class without prior notice, the full class price will be charged.

– Frequent Cancellations: While occasional cancellations are understandable, frequent cancellations may result in charges for missed classes. I may apply the same payment system as for kids under 3 y.o. to ensure fair scheduling for everyone.

– During summer and winter school breaks, I understand that schedules can be different, so there will be flexibility for missed classes during these periods

– Your consideration helps us offer extra classes to other families in need.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Based on my experience, families with children under 3 years old often need to cancel classes, as much as 50-75% of the time. To ensure that I can maintain availability for all families and manage my schedule effectively, I’ve implemented a revised payment system:

– Monthly Advance Payment: For families with young children, 50% of the class cost will need to be paid in advance at the first class of each month. This payment is non-refundable.

– Remaining Payment: The other 50% of the class cost will be paid after each class.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping me manage the schedule and offer the best service to all families.



The length of class will depend on a few things, age, abilities, and love of water. Approximately, for “Parent and me” classes 30 min. For kids 3-5 years old from 30-45-60 min. From 5+ years old 45-60 min. We will work together to find out what works the best in your case.

One time per week is a minimum. Two to three times per week is the best. The question is what the client is trying to get out of the swim class. Also, building muscle memory in the water is very important for development which means more often is better. Consistency is the key.

Everyone is different and there are a lot of different factors which determine how long it will take. Factors can be… age, water comfort, fear (if exists), already wrong learned habits, body build… Also, when you ask that question, what does learning to swim exactly mean to you? Learning to swim for someone can be, a survival skill. For other means, moving through the water with alternative techniques. And for someone else can be, knowing all 4 advanced strokes. And there are a lot of levels between. Also, I should see students in the water so I can see how comfortable they are, and what is their goals and after that, I can say approximately how long it will take. This definitely needs persistence and consistency. And as in addition for adults, it is not enough to just wish to learn how to swim, it needs to have a strong decision to learn! This means when you start you do not give up till you learn, whatever it takes.

You need to contact me by email or text. Because often I will be in the pool and will not be able to answer the phone calls. It is also good to have a written track of what we have communicated as a reminder for you and me. Also here is the link to the form you can fill out, and I will contact you back as soon as possible.

Ideally, for infants and toddlers, a pool water temperature should be between 87 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Please, if you still have some questions don’t hesitate to contact me.

For all ages and all abilities… from 6 months Infants to 100+ years old and from non-swimmers to professional swimmers.


  • Highly educated in the swimming field, with many years of experience, creative, and with a huge passion for teaching swimming.
  • You can cancel the class without charge.
  • I come to your location
  • Day and time of class convenient to you
  • If you travel during the summer I will keep your time spot for next season

REASONS WHY NOT other swim schools…

  • One of the popular swim schools in Manhattan charges $200/30 min personal class “one on one”. Or $50/30min with 3 more kids in the class where your kid gets 7 min of class.
  • You cannot cancel the class if you are not available, you would be charged for the missed class.
  • You cannot choose a teacher, you get what you get. Most often you get young and not experienced teachers who don’t know what they are doing exactly.
  • You travel to their location.
  • Often you need to accept time and day not convenient to you. If you want to change the time spot, most possible you would be on the waiting list to get a spot convenient to you, forever.
  • Just during the summer, if you travel and want to keep your spot for next season you need to pay $15 per missed class… etc.

At your swimming pool location.

Basic rates for “one on one” (Subway area)

30 min – $100

45 min – $150

60 min – $200

For more than one kid price is different. Exp. If there are two kids who want to share 30 min class, the Price will be $70 each, which is $20 extra per kid. Just in the case, two kids are from the same family there will not be $20 extra. 

For Your Information, other swim schools offer…

  • One of the popular swim schools in Manhattan charges $240/30 min personal class “one on one”. Or $60/30min with 3 more kids in the class where your kid gets 7 min of class for $14. 
  • You cannot cancel the class if you are not available, you would be charged for the missed class.
  • You cannot choose a teacher; you get what you get. Most often you get young and not experienced teachers who don’t know what they are doing exactly.
  • You travel to their location.
  • Often you need to accept time and day not convenient to you. If you want to change the time spot, most possible you would be on the waiting list to get a spot convenient to you, forever.
  • Just during the summer, if you travel and want to keep your spot for next season you need to pay $15 per missed class… etc.
  • You can pay with

    • Cash,
    • Venmo,
    • CashApp, and
    • PayPal.
  • Swimsuit
  • Goggles (I have extra goggles if you don’t have them)
  • Swim cap or hair tie (for longer hair)
  • Towel
  • Slippers (not mandatory)
  • Positive attitude 😊

The best is one or two students per class. But if there is a small group of friends, that is possible too, but they need to be of similar age and abilities to make it work. If they are not at the same level and age, I can do two or more separate classes. Contact me and I will find a solution.

In private lessons, your child will be able to receive specific input at a more frequent pace, which is very helpful in making minor adjustments as your child develops their swimming confidence. They can also ask questions without distractions from other swimmers. Another good option is semiprivate. Sometimes is good to have your peers to share good times with.

  • You are more than welcome to stay. It’s up to you. From my experience, some kids perform better when their parents are present but on the other side, some kids perform better when their parents are not there. In that situation, if the parent is present, they are not doing very well whatsoever. If that happened, I ask parents to hide somewhere where they still can watch but be sure that kids do not see them. At the end of the day, the decision is yours.

For children 6 months old to 3 years old I encourage consistency with caregivers as much as possible but if the same caregiver is not available for the class another caregiver who is comfortable in the water can accompany your child.

That first experience in the water for kids needs to be enjoyable. I am a stranger to your child and the child does not trust me yet. But when a child is comfortable with me, and trust is developed I do not mind taking the kid to the pool by myself.

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